October 9, 2024

Interview with Marcin Jasinski: “23 Tips to Climb a Life Mountain”

Marcin, a friend and work colleague, is the author of “23 Tips to Climb a Life Mountain,” a self-development enthusiast whose career and personal experiences have provided him with a wealth of knowledge on persistence, passion, and growth. His book dives deep into practical tips on how to live a more fulfilling and successful life. In this exclusive interview, we explore not just the life lessons he shares in his book but also his writing process, the journey of getting published, and the personal philosophies that drive his success. Having had the privilege of working alongside Marcin, I can attest to his dedication and the authenticity of the principles he lives by. Let’s delve into the mind of an author who believes in living life with purpose and vigor.

The Writing Journey

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q1: Writing a book can be a long and challenging process. What was the most difficult part of turning your thoughts and experiences into a structured book, and how did you overcome initial writing blocks?

Marcin: Very good question, Al. In fact, I enjoyed the very act of writing. I would set a slot during my busy schedule to write every evening before falling asleep. After several months, I had the book ready. What was challenging though, and what delayed the publication of the book, was the process of proofreading and updating the content of the book. Perfectionism does not help in this case.

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q2: You mentioned that writing this book had been on your agenda for a long time. What finally pushed you to start and, more importantly, finish it?

Marcin: There came a point in my life and career where I started caring more about legacy than just achieving. It has been on my agenda for a long time, and I knew I wanted to share my journey with the world. Furthermore, I did some exercises about what is important to me, and publishing the book came on top.

Planning and Strategy

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q3: In Chapter 8, you emphasize the importance of planning and preparation. How did you approach the planning and editing process for your book? Was it difficult to decide what content to keep, revise, or leave out entirely?

Marcin: I would set a specific time to write and never missed a day. When I had the book proofread, the feedback was that it is great but missed examples. That made the book much better, but my perfectionism kicked in. I then had the book proofread again to ensure the grammar and spelling were on point.

Getting Published

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q4: Did you face any difficulties in finding a publisher, or did you decide to go the self-publishing route? What advice would you give to first-time authors navigating the publishing world?

Marcin: I went the self-publishing route, exclusively with Amazon. Finding a publisher would have been more difficult and required networking. While publishing through a traditional publisher is better for visibility and reputation, I would advise first-time authors to just get the book written and try sending it to publishers. If that doesn’t work, then self-publish.

Support and Motivation

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q5: Writing can often be a solitary endeavor. How did you maintain your motivation throughout the writing process, and did you have any support systems in place to keep you going?

Marcin: I had no problems here since I am very disciplined and set blocks of time. I learned from Hemingway that it is good to stop writing while you still have ideas on what to write next.

Persistence and Success

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q6: In Chapter 2, you emphasize persistence, stating, “Never, ever, ever give up.” How did this mindset help you during the writing of this book and the journey to get it published?

Marcin: There were multiple priorities more important than publishing the book, but once I endeavor to do something, I finish it. The “never give up” attitude helped to push through, despite revisions, delays, and perfectionism.

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q7: You talk about rewarding yourself and avoiding self-criticism in Chapter 9. How did you apply this philosophy to your writing journey, especially when faced with challenges or setbacks?

Marcin: Great question, Al! I am not sure I did, in fact, when it comes to rewarding myself. I was putting the very last revisions of the book in Crete, Greece, so the setting was certainly inspiring. Self-criticism kicked in a bit when it came to delays, but I learned it is a normal part of the process.

Living the Philosophy

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q8: You say, “Whatsoever you sow, that also shall you reap.” How has this principle shaped your career and personal life, and what is the most surprising outcome you’ve experienced by embracing this mindset?

Marcin: I noticed this during my time at Thomson Reuters. It was 24/7 work, additional projects, networking, and self-development. I built relationships for life, which helped me in both personal and professional life.

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q9: In Chapter 3, you advocate for taking risks, mentioning, “don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.” Can you share an instance where taking a bold risk significantly altered the course of your life or career?

Marcin: It was the high-potential project at Thomson Reuters that I ended up leading. The sponsor of the project believed in me, and I ended up leading a team of 2,500 top talent globally. It was a risk I had to take and a tremendous opportunity.

Building Networks and Integrity

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q10: In Chapter 4, you highlight the power of building reciprocal networks. What has been the most challenging aspect of maintaining genuine relationships in your network, and how do you ensure they remain mutually beneficial?

Marcin: The main challenge is to keep up with the vast network I have built. Since I have lived in many countries and worked in various industries, it is not easy to maintain tight relationships. To ensure they stay mutually beneficial, I always offer help, advice, and sharing my network.

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q11: Chapter 15 stresses the importance of integrity. What is the greatest temptation to compromise one’s integrity that you’ve encountered, and how do you recommend others safeguard against it?

Marcin: The best way to safeguard is to know yourself, your values, and motivations. In most cases where you sway away from your core competencies and values, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Work-Life Balance

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q12: In Chapter 7, you discuss aiming for success in multiple areas of life. How do you personally apply the philosophy of “never settle” to maintain a work-life balance, especially when pursuing ambitious goals?

Marcin: I challenge myself in areas outside of work, like sports. I also meditate to calm my mind and focus on life priorities outside of work.

Mindset and Growth

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q13: You emphasize the importance of having a positive mindset and self-image in Chapter 12. How do you maintain positivity and an abundance mindset, especially during difficult or uncertain times?

Marcin: During difficult times, I rely on my network and revisit motivational videos or do things I love, like golf. Focusing on what is next helps me maintain a positive mindset.

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q14: In Chapter 13, you mention the importance of rest and reflection. How do you balance the need for constant productivity with the necessity of taking breaks in today’s fast-paced world?
Marcin: Just book the time for rest and reflection in your calendar. Reflection can work great in the morning or evening, while rest can be productive at midday.

Learning and Change

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q15: You talk about the habit of continuous learning in Chapter 10. For individuals feeling stuck or unmotivated, how do you recommend they reignite their passion for learning or find new inspiration?

Marcin: Develop a routine. Doing something every day, even for 5 minutes, helps you feel accomplished. Watching motivational channels or listening to podcasts can also be helpful.

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q16: In Chapter 19, you stress the need to change to learn and grow. What was the most significant change you had to embrace during your journey as an author and professional?

Marcin: As a professional, it was moving from Team Leadership to Sales/CRM. Regarding being an author, I had to learn to be less of a perfectionist and solo-entrepreneur.

Advice for Others

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q17: Asking the right questions seems to be a recurring theme in your book. What is one question you believe everyone should ask themselves at some point in their lives, and why?

Marcin: What are your values, motivations, and dreams? Work backward from your ideal life and build the necessary steps to achieve it.

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q18: How would you advise individuals to handle the disappointment of not reaching their most ambitious goals, particularly if they’ve aimed high, as you suggest in Chapter 3?

Marcin: Shoot for the stars; you will at least hit the moon. Make sure you enjoy the journey and revise your goals regularly to avoid big disappointments.

Trusting Intuition

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q19: In Chapter 21, you state that “everything happens for a reason” and emphasize the importance of trusting one’s gut. How has listening to your intuition shaped your path, both as an author and in your career?

Marcin: Publishing a book was “calling me,” and I am glad I did it. My intuition guided me throughout my career transitions, even when things ended badly.

Reflecting on Accomplishments

Al Leong (Interviewer), Q20: Looking back at your journey with this book, how do you think the process of writing and publishing has changed you as a person?

Marcin: I feel I have to walk the talk even more. I hope to inspire others, especially the younger generation, and now feel much more comfortable writing another book.

About Marcin

Marcin Jasinski is a seasoned business leader with extensive experience in leadership, strategy, CRM, marketing, operations, and project management. Currently serving as the Global Program Manager at UBS, he has successfully led high-profile initiatives, including the implementation of technology transformation programs and the optimization of cross-functional operations. With an MBA in Finance, Marketing, and Strategy from INSEAD, Marcin has also run his consulting practice, serving as CEO Advisor, CMO, CSO, and in other leadership roles. Passionate about continuous learning and personal growth, Marcin authored “23 Tips to Climb a Life Mountain,” offering practical advice on achieving both personal and professional success.

To get your hands on a copy of this inspiring book, visit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW19SRJ8/

Contact Marcin here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasinskimarcin/

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